Lie-Nielsen Open House
A chance to see behind the scenes at Lie-Nielsen Toolworks
held in Warren, Maine, July 12-13, 2013

Photo tour of the Lie-Nielsen Factory

(Click any image to see it full-size)

The open house was held at the beautiful Lie-Nielsen Toolworks in Warren, Maine.

Map of Lie-Nielsen's factory, offices, showroom and classroom

Block plane castings

Block plane castings

Bronze frog castings

Machine for flat grinding plane soles

Shoulder plane castings

Deburring shoulder plane castings

Bench plane front knobs

Router plane irons partially machined

Bronze shavings after castings are machined

Assembled block planes

Smoothing plane assembly

Partially assembled smoothing planes

Smoothing planes with frogs awaiting blade assembly

Assembled smoothing planes

Rolls of steel plate destined to become saw blades

Steel to be made into saw plates

The machine used to cut steel roll material into saw plates

Automatic filing machine set up for dovetail saws

Machine for setting saw teeth

Milling machine that cuts the slot in the brass backs of saws.
Items on the wall are jigs for holding the backs.

Saw blades waiting for handles and/or hand sharpening

Shaper cutter for saw handle

Saw handles before contour shaping

Saw handles after shaping

The reject bin

Master sawmaker at window filing teeth on a dovetail saw

Dovetail saws in progress

Dovetail saws in progress

Inlay tools

Vise screws after machining

Benchtop on stationary routing machine

1045 N. Highland Ave. NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30306
Tel. 800-241-6748

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