Woodworking Tools For Sale
Special Offers, Featured Products and Clearance Items

Wood Slicer Testimonial
I recently purchased a 3/4 inch blade. It certainly is everything you claimed it to be. My 18 inch bandsaw always frustrated me. I was never sure if it was the blade, the fence, or the guides. The saw now performs as it should, at a much lower decibel than before. The blade set-up instructions are informative and well written in layman's terms. Thank you for a quality product. — Dennis
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Build a Wooden Plane
These kits by Hock Tools provide all the parts needed for building wooden planes (and a spokeshave) that are both beautiful and highly functional.
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Rikon 10-326 14 inch Deluxe Bandsaw
The Rikon 14" Deluxe Bandsaw is a great choice for all kinds of woodworkers. Furnituremakers will like the large 13" resawing capacity and cutting accuracy. Woodturners will like the stability the large table provides when roughing bowl blanks. You can even cut non-ferrous metals on low speed.
Powered by a 1-3/4 HP 115/230 volt motor, this unit comes ready to plug into a 115 volt outlet. An extremely sturdy steel frame maintains accuracy. Double bearing blade guides add stability and reduce friction for longer blade life.
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Carter Bandsaw Fence and Log Mill
Upgrade the versatility and performance of the bandsaw you already own with our new Carter MAGFENCE® Bandsaw Fence and Carter AccuRight® Log Mill.
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Get a Great New Workbench for Your Shop
We have several models of our ever-popular European and German workbenches available. Choose the model that fits your shop and budget.
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Exceptional Narex Rasps
After the huge success over the last few years of our Narex chisels manufactured in the Czech Republic, we are pleased to introduce these Narex rasps that we feel are another excellent value.
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Families Love our Kid's Woodworking Tool Kit
One of our top ten bestselling items is our Woodworking Tool Kit for Kids. It's a great way to introduce kids to the joys of woodworking. These are real tools that really work, and the 2 instructional books show how to build more than 50 useful projects.
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GET REBATES on Flexcut carving sets
These sets are a great way to get started in woodcarving. Featuring four of Flexcut's most popular tools, the Palm and Knife set will start you on small scale carving and whittling right away. The Flexcut Chip Carving Knife set includes all the knives you'll need to create intricate and beautiful chip carvings.
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Knew Concepts Woodworker's Fretsaw
Ingeniously designed to be both light and strong as well as simple to adjust and use, this extremely popular new premium fretsaw makes it easier than ever to remove waste when cutting dovetails.
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Bessey Variable-Angle Strap Clamp
Several innovative features of Bessey's new design make using a strap clamp far easier and more versatile than ever before.
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Kreg K5 Pocket Hole Jig
This newest version of Kreg's pocket hole jig has 6 brand new features that will help significantly speed up your cabinet joinery production as well as increase its versatility.
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Repairing Rotten Wood with LiquidWood and WoodEpox
It's time to get out and repair all your rotted window sills, door frames, wooden siding and indoor or outdoor furniture. The best product for handling this chore: Abatron's Wood Restoration System, LiquidWood and WoodEpox.
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Whiteside Router Bits
Whiteside Router Bits have consistently rated BEST OVERALL and BEST VALUE in FWW's independent testing. We are pleased to announce that we have greatly expanded our selection of Whiteside bits, and now offer over 400 different sizes and patterns. We invite you to browse our Whiteside online router bit store and experience the best quality and value for yourself.
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Whiteside Ultimate Trim Bits
If you rout with templates a lot, the Whiteside Ultimate Trim Bits are for you. Their compression spiral design results in smooth cuts with no tearout - no matter what direction you rout.
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Windsor Chair Kits
Our affordable Windsor chair kits will make a great weekend project for the intermediate woodworker. Each kit includes all the parts you will need plus clear instructions.
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Charles Brock has singled out the specific tools he uses when building his sculptured chairs and listed them in one place for easy selection by woodworkers undertaking this challenging project.
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FREE SHIPPING on Leigh Jigs in lower 48 states
Our Leigh Dovetail Jigs and Frame Mortise and Tenon Jigs will turn your shop into a cabinet factory.
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Arbortech Power Cutters
Arbortech recently added a mini-version of the impressive carbide Turboplane power woodcarving blade that it introduced last year. Both cutters offer extra-precise control, yet cut quickly and require minimal sanding.
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Mini-Texturing Tool Hardware Parts Kit
All the hardware you need to build your own mini-texturing tool for decorating wood turnings. Phil Colson's article shows how he built one for himself.
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General Water-based Wood Turner's Finish
The new Wood Turner’s Finish by General Finishes is a non-toxic water/oil urethane hybrid. It is designed for use on bottle stoppers, salad bowls and other woodturnings. It produces a rich amber tone and dries to recoat in minutes. Can be applied with brush, rag or sprayer.
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Auriou/Chris Pye Carving Tools
Auriou recently collaborated with master carver Chris Pye to create these new woodcarving tools, whose excellent quality matches the level of perfection we've come to expect from Auriou.
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Highland Woodworking Gift Certificates
An awesome present that's always appreciated by just about any woodworker anywhere.
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Festool CT SYS HEPA Systainer Dust Extractor
Like all Festool dust extractors, the CT SYS is full unit HEPA certified and features manual and tool-triggered operation. It has a 3 meter (9.8 foot) anti-static hose, crevice tool and upholstery tool – all with on-board storage. The filter bags holds up to 3.5L (.9 gallons) of dust.
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Kreg Precision Router Table System
A quality router table is one of the most important tools for any serious woodworker to have around the woodshop. Whether you're routing a simple dado, putting the finishing touch on a countertop, or building an entire set of raised panel doors from scratch, the Kreg Precision Router Table through a series of innovative new features helps woodworkers of all levels finish projects faster, easier, and with greater precision than ever before.
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