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My bandsaw has too much vibration. What causes this, and what can I do about it?


Too much vibration in a bandsaw can be caused by a number of factors. First check to see that your bandsaw stand sits level on the floor and the bolts that hold the bandsaw to the stand are nice and tight. If those obvious factors aren't an issue in your case, the most likely ones remaining have to do with the motor and drive pulleys, the drive belt, and the wheels and tires.

Start by unhooking the drive belt from the motor and running the motor to see if it is smooth and vibration free. Also watch the motor shaft as it slows down to see if it runs true. If the motor has vibration, it might need to be replaced, but can usually be improved by putting rubber spacers under the motor mount and making sure it's tightened down properly.

First use a straight edge to check to see that both the motor pulley and drive pulley are properly lined up in the same plane with each other. If not, loosen the set screw on one of the pulleys and line them up properly using the straightedge.

Both the motor pulley and the saw's drive pulley must be round and the V-slot should be consistent around each pulley's circumference. Check a pulley's roundness by holding a screwdriver or pencil close to the pulley while you rotate it by hand, noticing if it drags during part of the revolution. That would indicate it being out of round. Another method is to use a dial indicator, checking the outside diameter at several different points around the pulley.

You may need to replace one or both pulley's with ones that check out for accurate roundness. For this purpose, look for steel pulleys that are specially machined to outperform ordinary cast pulleys.

Drive Belt
The drive belt is often the culprit in causing vibration. Check to see whether the belt's splice is smooth or perhaps has a bump in it. If there is a noticeable bump, it can be removed by sanding the bump with coarse sandpaper, or by filing it away with a file. Do NOT attempt this while the belt is on the machine and moving!

Another way to solve the problem of a bad splice is to buy another belt, making certain to choose one whose splice is smooth and consistent. Also nowadays, premium segmented belts are available that can reduce vibration up to 80%. These are sold by the foot and can be adjusted to the proper length for your machine.

Much of the vibration in bandsaws is caused by wheels being out of balance or out of round. One way to check wheels for proper balance is to spin the wheel by hand, putting a mark at the bottom when the wheel stops. Repeat the process several times. If all the marks are close together, then the wheel is heavier in that area. Weight can be removed by drilling shallow 1/4" or 3/8" holes in the rim of the wheel. If your saw is still under warranty, or even if it's not, you might check with the manufacturer to see if they would be willing to send you a replacement wheel.

To check wheel roundness, hold a screwdriver close to the wheel while turning it by hand. (A more precise way would be to use a dial indicator.) If the wheel is out of round, the best solution is to replace it with a new one that is round.

One of the rubber tires on the saw can have a bump on it as well. With the machine unplugged, turn the wheel BY HAND, checking it for smoothness with your fingertips. If a noticeable bump is apparent on the tire and you're unable to correct it by sanding or filing it away by hand, you should be able to buy a replacement tire from a dealer or the manufacturer.

There may be other causes for your saw's vibration, but the ones we've described here are the most common.

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