Show Your Shop!
For this popular monthly column, we invite you to
of your woodworking shop along with captions and a brief history and
description of your woodworking. (Email photos at 800x600 resolution.)
Receive a $50 store gift card if we show your shop in a future issue.
Down to Earth Woodworking
By Steven D. Johnson
Racine, Wisconsin
In this issue of
Wood News Online
, we are kicking off a brand new monthly column. We are calling it
The Down to Earth Woodworker
This month we will investigate
exactly who is
"the Down to Earth Woodworker." We'll also follow up on some interesting readers' responses to recent articles,
"Justifying Your Next Tool Purchase" and "5S Your Workshop." And we'll reveal a dirty little woodworking secret, as well as
look into a disturbing psychological phenomenon afflicting woodworkers.
Sounds Interesting!
Tell Me More:
Ask the Staff
Do magnetic strips that are used to hold tools affect the sharpening of the tool?
E-mail us
with your woodworking questions.
If yours is selected for publication,
we'll send you a free Highland Woodworking hat.
with Alan Noel
Stripping the Finish
By Alan Noel
Atlanta, GA
Since the finish is so important to the overall value of antique furniture, stripping has been considered to be
a bad word. Stripping the old finish would have to be a last resort.
This also leads us down a slippery slope when antique
value is in question and this is, since none of us were around when the piece was made, how do we know definitively
what the original finish actually was?
Nevertheless, sometimes stripping the finish
is unavoidable.
Here are some tips to make the job easier:
Hofmann & Hammer Workbenches
Our premium German-made Hofmann & Hammer workbenches are available for immediate delivery. We believe there are no finer benches made anywhere.
Fine Woodworking
magazine has designated these
benches as a "Best Value." Sale quantities limited.
Order Now:
Designing an Arts and Crafts Mantle Clock Using SketchUp
By Sean Headrick
San Jose, California
This month's SketchUp column shows you how to use SketchUp to design an Arts and Crafts style mantle clock. You'll
find step by step instructions with easy-to-understand captions labeling each image.
Check out how it works:
An easy way to navigate our entire highly-informative woodworking website.
Highland Woodworking Gift Certificates
An awesome present that's always appreciated by just about any woodworker anywhere.
An Introduction to Sphere-Based Turning
By Joe Skehan
Salt Lake City, UT
Most wood turning is performed on material mounted in a single plane; the wood is placed between centers or held in a check. It is then worked
perpendicular or parallel to the grain. However, as early as the 16th century, turners discovered that if the material being worked was in the shape
of a sphere, then it could be worked from any point, rotated and then worked from any other point, producing concentric designs.
What is the secret to all sphere-based creations?
Show Your Stuff!
For this new column, we invite you to
of your favorite woodworking projects along with captions and a brief history and
description of your woodworking. (Email photos at 800x600 resolution.)
Receive a $50 store gift card if we show your stuff in a future issue.
woodworking book or DVD we've ever sold before has generated the response we've received from customers to Charles Brock's excellent plan bundle that
provides everything you need to know to build your own Maloof-inspired rocking chair.
Now Chuck has singled out the specific tools he uses when
building the chair and listed them in one place for easy selection by woodworkers undertaking this challenging project.
Check Out the Tools of the Trade:
Repairing Rotten Wood with LiquidWood and WoodEpox
Spring! It's time to get out and repair all your rotted
window sills, door frames, wooden siding and indoor or outdoor furniture. The best product for
handling this chore: Abatron's Wood Restoration System, LiquidWood and WoodEpox.
Here's some good info on how to:
Recent WOOD SLICER Testimonial
I recently purchased three band saw blades for my 10 inch Inca 260, included in the purchase was a Wood Slicer
Bandsaw Blade. When I unwrapped it, I realized this was something special. I immediately installed the Wood Slicer, fired up the machine and started
cutting 6 " X 6" White Oak rough stock. Results? WOW, is all I could say to myself. The cuts were so good I had to look twice to see the cut side from
the machine planed face! What a blade, I have never been more pleased with a bandsaw blade and its performance! — R. Simon
CHECK OUT our phenomenal
Wood Slicer resawing
Why Not Write
Your Own Article
for Wood
We actively
solicit contributions of editorial material (articles, photos and videos) from our customers and readership, and for every one we accept and publish
Wood News Online
, we will compensate the contributor. We typically pay up to $100 (in the form of a store gift certificate) for a
thousand-word-plus article with photos. The amount of the gift certificate may be prorated for shorter articles. Articles submitted may be edited by
us at our discretion, and compensation may vary depending on the published length.