Sign Up for our Class
on Antique Restoration
July 24-25, 2010

Learn how to refinish and restore antique furniture yourself in this 2-day intensive workshop. Alan Noel makes his living doing this kind of work. He'll demonstrate countless valuable techniques (many that only a wood finishing professional would ever know about) as he restores an actual antique from its found condition back to its former glory.

Highland's Upcoming Woodworking Class Schedule in Atlanta

Many classes fill up quickly. Register now to make sure we hold a spot for you.

July 10
Turning Pens

July 17
Beginning Turning

July 21
Turning Tops

July 24
Basic Bowl Turning

July 24 & July 25
Antique Restoration

July 25
Basic Bowl Turning

July 27
Scraper Secrets Revealed

July 28
Sharpening for Turners

July 31
Bandsaw Basics

August 7
Spray Finishing

August 10
Using Hand Planes

August 14
Turn a Peppermill

August 17
Hand Tool Sharpening

August 21
Basic Bowl Turning

August 22
Basic Bowl Turning

August 28
Introduction to Marquetry

No woodworking book or DVD we've ever sold before has generated the response we've received from customers to Charles Brock's excellent plan bundle that provides everything you need to know to build your own Maloof-inspired rocking chair.

Now Chuck has singled out the specific tools he uses when building the chair and listed them in one place for easy selection by woodworkers undertaking this challenging project.

Check Out the Tools of the Trade:

Recent WOOD SLICER Testimonial
I recently purchased three band saw blades for my 10 inch Inca 260, included in the purchase was a Wood Slicer Bandsaw Blade. When I unwrapped it, I realized this was something special. I immediately installed the Wood Slicer, fired up the machine and started cutting 6 " X 6" White Oak rough stock. Results? WOW, is all I could say to myself. The cuts were so good I had to look twice to see the cut side from the machine planed face! What a blade, I have never been more pleased with a bandsaw blade and its performance! — R. Simon

CHECK OUT our phenomenal
Wood Slicer resawing blade:

Highland Woodworking Gift Certificates

An awesome present that's always appreciated by just about any woodworker anywhere.

Visit Our Store
If you live near Atlanta, or are just passing through, we invite you to visit and leisurely browse our amazing retail store. The thousands of woodworking tools on display here await your personal examination.
1045 N. Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, Georgia

Show Your Shop!

For this popular monthly column, we invite you to SEND US PHOTOS of your woodworking shop along with captions and a brief history and description of your woodworking. (Email photos at 800x600 resolution.) Receive a $50 store gift card if we show your shop in a future issue.

woodworking tools
Featured this month is Michael Youngblood's backyard workshop in Gordonsville, Virginia.

CLICK HERE for a look inside Michael's shop:

Ask the Staff

I have recently found that beetles are making holes and trails in my lumber. What can I do to protect it from further damage?

Check out the answer HERE
E-mail us with your woodworking questions. If yours is selected for publication, we'll send you a free Highland Woodworking hat.

Down to Earth Woodworking

By Steven D. Johnson
Racine, Wisconsin

This month Steven Johnson reveals a few surprise corollary benefits he discovered in his own designs, and also reviews a couple of books featuring villain woodworkers plus an unexpectedly exciting history of wood. To wrap things up for July, he explores something he calls "the gestalt" of good furniture design.

Just what does Steve Mean by the Gestalt of Good Design?

Finishing Wood
with Alan Noel

Color Matching Tips

wood finishing

By Alan Noel
Atlanta, GA

Without a doubt, matching a new veneer patch in an old table top to the surrounding area, or replacing a missing element with a new piece of wood is one of the most frustrating and challenging areas of furniture restoration work.

Here are 5 things that will help:

Designing Dovetails & More Using SketchUp

By Sean Headrick
San Jose, California

This month's SketchUp column shows you how to use SketchUp for basic woodworking and joinery modeling. Each step is clearly illustrated and described.

How Does SketchUp Work for Joinery Design?

Two Minute Safety Tips - WE WANT MORE!

We had a great response to Howard Van Valzah's safety tip last month, and now we want more! Do you have a great idea for staying alert and helping to avoid injuries in your workshop? If so, we want to hear about it! You can either leave your tip in the
comments of our blog or send it
directly via email . Receive a $25 store gift card if we feature your tip in a future issue.

Why Not Write
Your Own Article
for Wood News?
We actively solicit contributions of editorial material (articles, photos and videos) from our customers and readership, and for every one we accept and publish in Wood News Online , we will compensate the contributor. We typically pay up to $100 (in the form of a store gift certificate) for a thousand-word-plus article with photos. The amount of the gift certificate may be prorated for shorter articles. Articles submitted may be edited by us at our discretion, and compensation may vary depending on the published length.

An easy way to navigate our entire highly-informative woodworking website.
Attend our Atlanta Summer One-Day Sale
Sat, July 17 2010

If you're within driving distance of Atlanta, please visit us on July 17 2010 between 8:30 AM and 6 PM for our big summer one-day sale, featuring demos of the SawStop tablesaw, Festool power tools, affordable Earlex HVLP sprayers, innovative Kreg joinery and router jigs and other demos. Shop for great in-store-only One-Day Specials.

1045 N. Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, GA

Check Out our New Woodworking Blog

The Highland Woodworking blog now has a bright new look and user-friendly interface for reading, sharing and commenting. We invite you to expand your access to our growing woodworking community and get new woodworking tips, news about our classes and first crack at special promotions.

CLICK HERE to go to our BLOG:

Show Your Stuff!

For this new column, we invite you to SEND US PHOTOS of your favorite woodworking projects along with captions and a brief history and description of your woodworking. (Email photos at 800x600 resolution.) Receive a $50 store gift card if we show your stuff in a future issue.

Featured this month is the fanciful work of Ron Norris of Valley Center, CA.

CLICK HERE for a look at some beautiful woodwork and impressive carving:

NEW Charles Brock
Plan Bundle:
Lowback Dining Chair

The latest new plan bundle in Charles Brock's series of Maloof-inspired furniture is coming available July 15, 2010. Pre-order now for earliest delivery, and a special bonus.

More info and how to order:

A Better Shooting Board: It is hip to be square

By Steven D. Johnson
Racine, WI

My trusty shooting board, perhaps the great- great- great-grandson of my first shooting board, was getting a little "long in the tooth." Giving birth to a new one would typically involve about fifteen minutes of labor. But, I decided to prolong the gestation period over a cup of coffee and think about whether the laughably simple "classic" design could be improved.

What's unique about the design Steve came up with?

How to Control Rust in your Woodworking Shop

The absolute best way to eliminate rust from the surfaces of machines and other tools in your shop is to stop it from ever really getting started in the first place. We'll show you some good ways to do that, as well as how to completely remove it once it's already formed.

CLICK HERE for how to fight summer rust:

See Previous Newsletters Subscribe to Our Newsletter

Copyright ©2010 Highland Woodworking, Inc.

Errors regarding pricing and specifications are subject to correction.
Some items may sell out and become delayed or unavailable at the advertised price.

Highland Woodworking | 1045 N. Highland Avenue, NE | Atlanta | GA | 30306 | 404.872.4466