Turn Your Own Baseball Bat
By Jack Masten
North Creek, NY
What does a retired Industrial Arts Teacher give his 15 year old grandson for a gift? Seeing that
he is the starting catcher on his high school baseball team, why not make him a baseball bat from
Northern White Ash?
The Woodturning Lathe: A Brief History
By Elena Vega
The lathe is among humanity's oldest and most important machine
tools. It can shape, drill, bore and grind. In Turning and Mechanical Manipulation, Vol. I, John
Jacob Holtzapffel terms the lathe 'the engine of civilization'. He points out it is unique among
machine tools in that not only is it the only machine capable of replicating itself, but it is also
capable of manufacturing all other machine tools.
To read Elena's fascinating brief history of the lathe, CLICK HERE!
Rikon Turning Tool System Set
Woodturners who prefer actually doing woodturning as opposed to constantly resharpening their turning tools will appreciate this affordable set of 3 carbide turning tool patterns developed by Rikon.
Shop Now
End Grain Sealer for Green Wood
Try this thick, waxy sealer to get the control
you need to slow evaporative moisture loss through end grain and reduce checking and warping as green
wood dries.
The dry film of End Grain Sealer is soft enough to be scraped off the wood easily when
it's ready to be used.
Shop Now
For this monthly column, we invite you to
of your woodturning shop along with captions and a brief history and description
of your woodturning. (Email photos at 800x600 resolution.) Receive a $50 store gift card if we show
your shop in a future issue.
Rims Cracking
on your
Green Bowls?
Roughing out green wood bowls is a great way to have dry bowls down the line to re-turn and
finish to sell or give as gifts, but sometimes after storing these green bowls for a bit, you'll
find checking or cracking along the rim.
Here's a tip to
help keep that from happening: