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Avoiding Sanding Disc Edge Marks

phil picture

by Phil Colson

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Have you ever sanded with a disc holder and disc and find that you have left sanding disc edge marks in the bowl? I have. The wave sanding discs are designed to wrap under the holder so this won't happen. The wave sanding discs are good, but I personally like the H&L sanding discs for turners we offer at Highland. The velcro on these discs just won't let go.

The disc holder and the discs are the same diameter, but what if I could make the disc holder smaller so that when I sanded, the disc would roll under?

I put my talon chuck with the smooth spigot jaws on the lathe and put the holder in the jaws. These jaws will close down to 1/4", perfect for holding the disc holder. With a skew, I parted about a quarter of an inch off the holder.

When I put the disc on the holder, it overlaps and rolls under as I sand.

Problem solved.

Phil can be reached directly via email at woodturnerphil@gmail.com .

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