Here is my Woodturning!
by Jay Barry
Lancaster, PA
Note: click any picture to see a larger version.
I just started turning about 4 months ago.
I have always been fascinated with wood turning. Five or six years ago my wife and I were watching a turning demo and I told her about my fascination and she said buy a lathe. I got a 50’s vintage Craftsman and spent most of my time either swearing at it or fixing it. I didn’t make anything worthwhile so I sold it. Four months ago I got a good deal on a refurbished lathe so I dove back in.
The first three pictures below are of my most recent turned bowl:
Below are some more of my turnings:
You can email Jay at
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of your woodturning
projects or shop along with captions and a brief history and description of your woodturning. (Email photos
at 800x600 resolution.) Receive a $50 store credit if we show your turning in a future issue!