Highland Woodturner, No. 55, October 2015 Welcome to Highland Woodworking - Fine Tools & Education Learn more about Highland Woodworking View our current woodturning classes and seminars Woodturning articles and solutions Subscribe to the Highland Woodturner
Turning Beads Turning Beads

By Curtis Turner
Round Rock, Texas

Recently, Curtis turned several beads to attach to a paracord lanyard. This type of bead could easily be adapted to make a bracelet or necklace. Since the holiday season is fast approaching, this might give you an idea for a unique gift for that special someone.

CLICK HERE to read more:

Turning a String 'n Ring Puzzle Turning a String 'n Ring Puzzle

By Temple Blackwood
Castine, ME

Do you remember the old "String 'n Ring Puzzles" that were nearly impossible to solve? In this article Temple explains why he wanted to recreate one of these classic puzzles, and gives you the instructions on how to make your own.

CLICK HERE to read more:

Tormek Universal Gouge Jig

Tormek Universal
Gouge Jig

ON SALE - $77.60

(reg $97.00)

The Tormek Universal Gouge Jig's articulated, adjustable design lets you grind any carving or turning gouge. It's perfect for side-ground bowl gouges, bent carving gouges and V gouges. There's a new Upgrade Kit attachment (SVD005) available that handles replaceable HSS turning tool cutters and very narrow gouges (not included).

Tormek Bench Grind Mount

Tormek Bench
Grind Mount

Tormek's BGM-100 Bench Grinder Mount allows users to apply any of several Tormek jigs to a dry grinding wheel, including the SVD-185 Universal Gouge Jig, SVS-50 Multi-Jig (for skews and traditional grinds on gouges), the SVD-110 Tool Rest (for scrapers) and is also compatible with the TTS-100 Turning Tool Setter and the TNT-300 Woodturner's Instruction Box. Now owners of traditional dry bench grinders can achieve the accuracy of a Tormek machine while shaping profiles on turning gouges, skews and scrapers as well as many carving tools.

CLICK HERE for more info:

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This month we are sharing the woodturning projects of Dave Morgan who was an off and on turner for years until he just recently got back into it more steadily a few years ago.

CLICK HERE to see Dave's woodturnings:

woodturning tips Reconditioning Drive Centers

Every now and then I take a good look at my Drive Centers. Drive Centers have this funny way of getting damaged without me knowing it, so I figured out a tip for fixing them.

CLICK HERE to read Phil's tip:

Upcoming Turning Classes at Highland

Many classes fill up quickly, so please register now to make sure we hold a spot for you.

November 1 Basic Bowl Turning
November 18 Sharpening for Turners

Classes Suitable for Teens
View Slideshow of a Beginning Turning Class with Hal Simmons

Visit Highland's TURNING TOOL Department

Visit Highland's LATHE Department

Visit Highland's TURNING EQUIPMENT Department

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