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Here's My Woodworking!

by Duane Holmes
Morrison, Colorado

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I've done a lot of home remodeling on places I was living, but have only done a few woodworking projects of my own.

The first piece of furniture I ever made was a southern ladies' desk (pictured above) that I saw featured in Popular Woodworking . My version was made out of mahogany like the original.. It was an excellent learning experience. I started the desk in 2011 (and finished in 2012) so I haven't been at the craft for very long.

The chest below that I'm building for my granddaughter is only the second piece of "fine furniture" I have tried and the first of my own design. I never tried veneering, marquetry or inlay (other than string and berry - you can see my first try of string and berry on the desk). So, I have learned quite a bit on the chest as well.

The side panels are veneered in madrone burl and the horses are inlaid with silver wire. The main veneer I used is cherry vacuum pressed to Baltic birch plywood. The frame is all solid cherry. I'm just trying out different stuff since this is my first time and I'm trying to learn (including fixing my mistakes).

Finished back panel of my granddaughter's custom chest.

Left panel of my granddaughter's custom chest.

Right panel of my granddaughter's custom chest.

Top of my granddaughter's custom chest.

More detail of a dragon fly on the top of my
granddaughter's custom chest.

The Rising -Setting Sun Inlay is Plexiglass.

The Two Women Inlay is shell, reconstituted stone,
silver wire and a little mammoth tusk ivory.

If you look closely at the picture below, you can see the sun and crescent moon shell inlay at the top of the front legs, as well as the shell and flowering vine inlays on the upper side rails. I found these inlays online and unlike the others shown, did not make them myself.

All the frame, rail, and leg pieces sitting on my table saw
where I am varnishing them.

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