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Here's My Woodcarving!

by Timothy Brennan
New Paltz, NY

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I started as a studio painter before I began working with wood on the artist-carpenter circuit in San Francisco in the 1970's, and then migrated to New York in the 80's. There, I began building cabinets and wood-paneled interiors with fellow-artist, Nick Defriez.

Eventually, as happens so often, I put studio-painting aside and concentrated on woodworking.

After moving to New Paltz in the Hudson Valley, I became interested in American and French period furniture. I began to trace from originals in museum collections, and to build reproductions. This led me to carving. At first, I tried to teach myself, but soon realized that I'd need a teacher if I was going to produce work that would satisfy me.

I began taking lessons with Dimitrios Klitsas of Hampden, Massachusetts, and continued to go twice a month for about five years. I don't think anyone seriously interested in traditional wood carving could find a better teacher or environment in which to learn the craft. And to watch Mr. Klitsas at work on one of his projects is almost as instructive as the work one does in his class. He works at the highest craft-level, with a finely tuned eye for the overall design as well as the details.

Here are some of the carvings I did while studying with Dimitrios Klitsas:

Carving based on the tympanum applique on a
Philadelphia highboy at the Yale Art Gallery.

More of my projects can be seen below:

Philadelphia shell-eared Chippendale side chair.

Would you like to see your carvings in this column? We invite you to SEND US PHOTOS of your favorite woodcarving projects along with captions and a brief history of your woodcarving. (Email photos at 800x600 resolution.) Receive a $50 store gift card if we show your carving work in a future issue!

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