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Highland's Upcoming Woodworking Class Schedule in Atlanta

Many classes fill up quickly. Register now to make sure we hold a spot for you.

SawStop tablesaw
PCS Professional SawStop Tablesaw

The SawStop PCS is a world class precision piece of woodworking machinery based just on its own merits as a tablesaw. However it's indisputably the SAFEST tablesaw in the world as well. The good news is it's available for a price that's competitive with other professional tablesaws (all of which LACK SawStop's patented blade braking system). Drop by our store at your first opportunity and see why the SawStop is the professional tablesaw that makes the most sense to buy.

YOU can own a SawStop tablesaw. (WHY WAIT FOR AN ACCIDENT?)

FIND OUT how to purchase:

Mount Tormek Jigs on Your Dry Bench Grinder

Now owners of traditional dry bench grinders can achieve the accuracy of a Tormek machine while shaping profiles on turning gouges, skews & scrapers plus many carving tools. Tormek's new BGM-100 Bench Grinder Mount allows users to apply any of several Tormek jigs to a dry grinding wheel.

Flexcut Mfr. Rebates!

Freud's New Double Grind Router Bits Stay Cooler, Cut Cleaner & Last Longer

The secondary bevel that Freud machines on each of its new Double Grind straight router bits allows shavings to clear the cut rather than clogging, heating and dulling the edge like ordinary router bits. These bits perform better and stay sharp longer.

CLICK HERE for more info:

Now Stocking a Wide Selection of Freud Sawblades

Freud sawblades offer the ultimate combination of fused tooth grind geometry, blade body rigidity, precise tensioning, a special carbide blend and superior carbide brazing, non-stick Perma-SHIELD coating and high performance anti-vibration – all working together to provide the ultimate cut.

Narex Mortise Chisels
The maker of our best-selling bench chisels has created a stout new very affordable mortise chisel for medium-duty furniture mortising. Available in 3 sizes with European beech handles, and as a set of all 3.

Auriou Hand-Stitched Rasps Are Back!

French-made Auriou rasps have long been a mainstay for sculptors, patternmakers and chairmakers, but the aggressive cut and smooth finish left by these steel works of art will endear them to anyone who works wood. After a year-long interruption in the supply of Auriou rasps, we are excited to offer them once again in limited quantities.

CLICK HERE to see Auriou Rasps

Highland Woodworking Gift Certificates
An awesome present that's always appreciated by just about any woodworker anywhere.

An easy way to navigate our entire highly-informative woodworking website

Show Your Shop!

For this popular monthly column, we invite you to SEND US PHOTOS of your woodworking shop along with captions and a brief description of your woodworking. (Photos can most easily be sent to us via email. 800 x 600 resolution is preferred.) Receive a $50 store gift card if we show your shop in a future issue.

Featured this month is Lee Tigner's picturesque shop in the mountains of Dawson County, Georgia.

CLICK HERE for a look inside Lee's shop:

Ask the Staff

My bandsaw has too much vibration. What causes this, and what can I do about it?

E-mail us with your woodworking questions. If yours is selected for publication, we'll send you a free Highland Woodworking hat.

Incredible Woodworking Done in a Tiny Workshop

Dilo Marcio Fernandino, a woodworker from Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, has shown the world that a large shop with expensive machinery is not really necessary to build exquisite furniture. That is, if you have enough spare time, patience, and above all a love for using sharp hand tools to shape and carve furniture out of heavy hardwood planks. (It also helps that Dilo has an eye for beauty, a talent for design, a mind that loves to solve problems and a dexterity with tools that he began developing as a small child.)

See what Dilo has just finished building in his cozy 6' x 7' shop:

Woodturners Aid Samoa Tsunami Victims

Members of the Georgia Association of Woodturners are joining an effort to help young people in American Samoa recover from the tsunami catastrophe that occurred there a few weeks ago. Hought Wahl, a Georgia woodturner, will travel to Samoa to join Ernie Newman, a woodturning teacher from Australia to help outfit a woodturning school to train young turners and provide desperately needed jobs and income.

Cash donations are needed to purchase lathes and turning tools. Checks may be sent to Hought Wahl, 769 Bayliss Dr, Marietta, GA 30068, or dropped off at Highland Woodworking. Please include your name and address and indicate "Samoa Turning Aid" on the memo line.

What Woodworkers in Maine Do During Winter

C.S. "Doc" Hoth dropped by the store recently with a scale model of the frame of a house that he'd built in Maine back in the early 90s. He wanted to leave it in our front window just so folks could get a look at it. It's there now, and people do indeed stop and look! It's built to a 1" = 1' scale entirely of southern yellow pine held together with CA glue. He says "I built it with minimal loss of blood, although for one moment I was on fire. True story." He says if you provide him with the blueprints for your house, he'll build one for you. Price is negotiable. Doc's phone is 404-308-6594.

How to Plan a Kitchen Renovation Using SketchUp
By Sean Headrick
San Jose, California

Recently I was contacted to renovate a kitchen in Petaluma, California. Unfortunately it's an hour and a half from my shop in San Jose. However with SketchUp I can create a virtual environment in which to design the new kitchen without having to drive to the job to check a measurement or the clearance for a cabinet door. Even if you are designing a kitchen in your own house, I think you will find SketchUp can be a powerful tool in designing your project.

Here's how I design a kitchen using SketchUp:

Finishing Wood
with Alan Noel


wood finishing

Throughout the many years I've been restoring/refinishing furniture, I've often worked on pieces whose surfaces had been "distressed" in order to achieve a well-worn aged appearance. These were for the most part factory pieces that had been distressed/faked on a production line. On most of these pieces it was very evident that the same tools and techniques had been repeatedly employed throughout the distressing process over the entire piece. If you repeat the same techniques in this manner, it will not be hard for your distressed workpiece to be recognized as a fake.

Here are five tips to help you avoid the obvious:

This Month's Featured Highland Staff Member

Bob Saye

woodworking tools

Bob took up woodworking as a matter of necessity. After he had moved his particleboard bookcases twice, he watched in amazement as one of them fell apart before his eyes. Shocked at the cost of real wooden cases, he got out his circular saw and made his own. Bob still builds a lot of pieces that are "way bigger than me." He tells people that if they can draw it, he can build it. He is perfecting his finishing skills.

Our Leather Shop Apron:
The Perfect Gift

Every holiday season we seem to run out of this beautiful, rugged top-grain leather shop apron. It's the perfect holiday gift that will please any woodworker.

Is This a Quality Shop Apron?
Find Out from an Owner

Rabbet & Roundover Bits for Brock Rocker

Offered here as a set are the two Whiteside carbide router bits that Charles Brock recommends for the seat-to-leg joinery in his rocker plan bundle. Included are a 3/4" round over bit and a 1-1/2" diameter rabbet bit. Shanks are 1/2".

CLICK HERE for more info

Personalized Shop Sign

Hang a shingle outside your Olde Shoppe with our two-sided custom cast sign. Makes a handsome gift.

Order NOW for Christmas delivery:

New Testimonial for the WOOD SLICER

Just got a 1/2" Wood Slicer for a project. Put it on, re-tuned the band saw and POW! Right out of the box I'm slicing off veneers of hard maple that measure consistently .030". I'm impressed, gentlemen. The blade is everything it's cracked up to be, sharp, consistent, quiet and it leaves a surface that a couple strokes of a scraper will take care of. I'll be back for more. — Doug F.

CHECK OUT our phenomenal
Wood Slicer resawing blade:

Gransfors Bruks Premium American Felling Axe

Gransfors Bruks of Sweden are widely known as the world's leading maker of premium quality axes. This full size Gransfors Bruks axe for felling trees and sectioning logs is based on a classic Colonial American pattern, and is our most popular Gransfors Bruks axe. It is a tool that will long be treasured by any woodsman.

New Hock Premium Carving Knives

The makers of Hock Tools are well known for their much-sought-after high-quality tool-steel plane irons. Now they've created a line of beautiful handmade carving knives with Rc62 high carbon steel blades and comfortable bubinga handles.

New Nov/Dec Tool Catalog

Our latest woodworking tool catalog was mailed out recently. Watch for it arriving in your mailbox! Not receiving our catalogs?

Why Not Write
Your Own Article
for Wood News?
We actively solicit contributions of editorial material (articles, photos and videos) from our customers and readership, and for every one we accept and publish in Wood News Online , we will compensate the contributor. We typically pay up to $100 (in the form of a store gift certificate) for a thousand-word-plus article with photos. The amount of the gift certificate may be prorated for shorter articles. Articles submitted may be edited by us at our discretion, and compensation may vary depending on the published length.

Visit Our Store

If you live near Atlanta, or are just passing through, we invite you to visit and leisurely browse our amazing retail store. The thousands of woodworking tools on display here await your personal examination.
1045 N. Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, Georgia

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Copyright ©2009 Highland Woodworking, Inc.

Errors regarding pricing and specifications are subject to correction.
Some items may sell out and become delayed or unavailable at the advertised price.

Highland Woodworking | 1045 N. Highland Avenue, NE | Atlanta | GA | 30306 | 404.872.4466